The salt train: steam train to discover the Salt Mine in Saline di Volterra

17/03/2024 @ 9:30 – 18:35 – Sunday 17 March returns ‘Il Treno del Sale’ (‘The Salt Train’), the historic steam train that departs from Pisa, stopping in Livorno and Cecina to discover the Salina at the station of Saline di Volterra. Il programma 9:30 partenza da Pisa Centrale 10:11 partenza da Livorno Centrale  11:10 arrivo a Cecina e giratura della locomotiva  […]

Four Seasons on the Walls of Pisa

27/09/2024 @ 21:00 – 23:00 – A nature hike dedicated to the natural or semi-natural micro-environments along the Walls that provide shelter and food resources for many species of animals. The excursion will involve observing and recognising the rocks that make up the Walls, plants in their winter guise and various animal tracks. The winter edition will take place in the […]

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