Set just outside the old village, the parish church of Santa Maria is a well-preserved example of the Pisan-Romanesque style: with a basilica layout, a single apse and three naves divided by twelve granite columns and massive verrucano walls.
It preserves notable works of art from the medieval period. Starting with the majestic wooden group of the Deposition, in the apse (early 13th century), similar to the other Deposition in the Pinacoteca di Volterra.
The work is one of the few remaining examples of this sacred representation and the only one of which almost all the original figures have been preserved. It is one of the most singular, as the figure of Christ is represented in an unusual way, i.e. in the act of falling and not nailed to the cross.
Other works include the wooden statue of St John the Baptist, preserved in a 15th-century tabernacle and attributed to Nino Pisano, the 15th-century baptismal font by a Florentine artist, the remains of 13th-century frescoes on the walls and two holy water stoups.
Opening times
daily 8.00 am-6.00 pm
Closed Sunday 1.00-3.00 pm
Free admittance
Info: 050.719155
Parish Church of Vicopisano