22/12/2024 - 31/12/2024 ore: 21:00 - 23:00
La Gualda Vecchia, Via castagnetana, 55, Monteverdi Marittimo
Open Day at La Gualda Vecchia in Monteverdi Marittimo.
Thursday 4 April at 9.30 a.m. Visit to the Sentieri di Piume Emotional Garden at La Gualda Vecchia, a living microcosm of biodiversity
12.15 p.m. Tasting of typical products in the “Mucci e Staccioli Specialities” shop in Monteverdi.
Monteverdi Marittimo lies on a hill in the centre of the Upper Cornia Valley, on the southern slope of the Metalliferous Hills. Its position between Val di Cornia and Val di Cecina makes this place the natural gateway between the sea and geothermal energy. Here the sea breeze blends with the warm breath of the earth; the greenery ranges from the Bolgheri vineyards to the subsoil rich in underground vapours that provide clean energy.
It is an “Orange Flag” of the Italian Touring Club, the prestigious recognition that rewards villages that manage to enhance their historical, cultural and environmental heritage and offer a quality welcome that respects the environment.