
Castelfranco di Sotto | Montefalcone Reserve

The Montefalcone Natural Reserve represents the area of greatest environmental interest in the Cerbaie Hills, in the lower Valdarno between the Bientina and Fucecchio padules.

The evocative landscape of the reserve

The area, extended for 503 hectares, is characterized by an alternation of plateaus and valleys between 45 and 114 meters above sea level (maximum altitude), which give life to a suggestive landscape also for the presence of a luxuriant forest vegetation.

The Reserve, between nature and fun

Castelfranco di SottoIn recent years the Reserve has implemented a new program that provides for the abandonment of wildlife production and the recovery and readjustment of spaces, improving the forested part of the Reserve, creating hiking and educational trails and giving space for initiatives of environmental interest, in collaboration with agencies and universities. Every year are implemented initiatives of environmental education, with guided visits of schools/groups and excursions on ad hoc itineraries.

In addition to the “Casa Nacci” structure used for meetings and institutional activities, there is a small Visitor Center where the staff guides school children and visitors to discover the Reserve and the natural environments.

How to access the reserve

Access is free only in the area of 8 hectares, near Staffoli, equipped for parking. The remaining part, completely fenced, can be visited only if accompanied by staff and with permission.

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