
Porcini Mushroom Festival | Cascine di Buti

31/08/2024 - 01/09/2024 ore: 17:30 - 22:00

The Contrada San Nicolao organizes every year in September the festival of the friar and the typical Butesi dishes, this year in its 42nd edition. the dates are Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 September.
The Festa della Colombina and typical dishes from Butesi is held in Vagliaio, the symbolic place of the district. From 17.30 on Saturday and Sunday friars at will and dinner from 20.00.

The festival ends in style with the launch of the Colombina: a rocket that runs on a wire between the houses of the district. For the inhabitants of the Contrada, the arrival at the destination bodes well for the victory of the Palio di Buti which takes place in January.

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