12/06/2022 - 18/09/2022
Villa Viti, Mazzolla, Volterra
“Caro Mauro“, is the title of the exhibition that from 12 June to 18 September will be hosted in the garden and old tobacconist’s shop of Villa Viti, in the delightful hamlet of Mazzolla, near Volterra, where Staccioli lived for a long time and to which he was very attached. On display are dozens of sculptures – created between 1972 and the last years of his life -, project drawings, scale models, as well as projections and videos by the author.
Caro Mauro is part of the ‘Mazzolla 22‘ review: several evenings will animate the village, with music, food and wine, and poetry readings dedicated to Staccioli (27 August at 6.30 pm), until the big final party in September. Every evening, two author’s projections will be shown on the village buildings: one, by Duccio Benvenuti, brings together the artist’s works around the world, the other, by Massimo Gentili, is a drone-borne journey among the installations of the Volterra area.