16/03/2024 - 17/03/2024 ore: 10:00 - 19:00
Centro storico Cigoli, centro, piazze e luoghi limitrofi, Cigoli
For 18 years in Cigoli, coinciding with the second weekend of the Marzuolo truffle market exhibition, a model railway exhibition has taken place in three indoor areas: one in the rectory premises
(in the highest part of the village), the other two in the lower part marked by special signs and very close to each other.
Twelve model railways will be on display this year, with numerous moving models depicting trainsets from various epochs and made in scales (0-H0-H0m-N-Z), showcases with static models, Lego trains and scholarships.
See programme on page
Info: 0571.42745
San Miniato Tourist Office