06/04/2024 ore: 15:00 - 16:00
Caserma Gamerra, Via di Gello 138, Pisa
Saturday 6 April at 3.00 pm free guided tour of the Museum
The Parachute Training Centre in Pisa. The museum is spread over 15 exhibition rooms arranged in chronological order, occupies an area of over 800 square metres and contains around 3000 items of the most diverse types of material. Uniforms, armaments, badges, common objects of the soldier and authentic documents tell the story of the paratroopers thanks also to donations from veterans of all ages and their families, who have thus wished to leave a memento of themselves or their loved ones for posterity. The contribution of the Associazione Nazionale Paracadutisti d’Italia (National Association of Italian Parachutists) should also be acknowledged, which has resulted in the promotion of subscriptions in favour of the Museum and the search among its members for period material and memorabilia.