The church is located on the outskirts of the old town, near the crossroads towards Costa del Bagno. It was built in 1606 by the Arciconfraternita del Soccorso (Archconfraternity of Succour) as an extension of a small loggia in which an image of the Virgin was worshipped that had helped the population. The building has a rectangular plan and a portico with five arches. The façade bears an inscription on the central arch about the building and the coats of arms of the local Toscani and Langeri families. A simple painting adorns the lunette of the entrance portal. The one-nave interior has a beautiful pietra serena altar with an early 16th century fresco depicting the Madonna Enthroned with Child, Saint Sebastian and Saint Verdiana. On the side walls are paintings from the 17th century. All the altars are from 1746, while on the counter façade are two 19th century paintings by the painter Tempestini from San Miniato.
Part of the church’s sacred furnishings and valuable works of art are preserved and exhibited at the Montopoli in Val d’Arno Civic Museum.