29/08/2024 - 01/09/2024 ore: 19:30 - 23:30
campo sportivo Cenaia, Via Brodolini, Cenaia
For 19 years, the village has organised four evenings at the end of August and beginning of September dedicated to music, fun and ‘fegatello’. The food stands in Via Brodolini, near the Cenaia sports ground, open on 30 and 31 August and from 1 to 3 September at 19.30. The festival menu includes not only livers but also other traditional Tuscan delicacies
The Pisan minced pork liver is obtained by mincing various ‘poor’ parts of the pig. The meat is cooked and preserved in virgin lard or pork lard. The neck, ham and liver are cut, minced and wrapped in pork net together with wild fennel and then cooked in terracotta pans with pork lard. After cooking, the livers are preserved under virgin lard and then removed one at a time from the earthenware pot together with the lard that surrounds them. A total of 7-8 days elapse from slaughtering to cooking. They are produced from September to May.