
Summer in Santa Luce

02/09/2024 - 23/09/2024

Santa Luce, Piazza Rimembranza, Santa Luce

Santa Luce presents a rich calendar of initiatives and festivals that take place from June to September in the municipality’s hamlets as well as in the main town.

Of particular note are the Days of Lavender in Pieve di Santa Luce, the Barefoot Ecofestival, the August popone and hunter’s festivals in Pomaia and the September Pievese

Santa Luce has become known in recent years for its lavender fields. This is a perfect destination for regeneration, amidst gentle hills, ancient traditions and ‘spiritual’ places. The woods of Santa Luce are criss-crossed by paths that lead to the artificial lake, created in the 1960s as a reservoir for the Solvay Chimica. A surprising attraction in the hamlet of Pomaia, a destination every year for practitioners and enthusiasts of oriental philosophies who attend courses at the Lama Tzong Khapa Buddhist Institute, one of the most popular in the West.

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