07/12/2024 - 08/12/2024 ore: 10:00 - 19:00
The splendid setting of Piazza dei Priori in Volterra is the backdrop for “Art Tour, il bello in piazza” market and exhibition of quality artistic craftsmanship with demonstrations and sales. Two days, 15 and 16 July, dedicated to quality craftsmanship and an opportunity to highlight the mastery of the craftsmen and the “made in Tuscany” excellences. Appointment with 15 exhibitors in the sector: from fashion and related accessories to jewellery, from wood and gold products to leather goods, embroidery and alabaster. Inauguration on Saturday 15 July at 11.00 and extraordinary opening in the evening until 11.00 pm on Saturday 15 July.
Info: 050.876111
CNA Pisa