In the hamlet of San Lorenzo a Pagnatico is the church of San Pietro, first mentioned in 1134 and probably built between the 11th and 12th century. There were once three churches in the area: in addition to San Lorenzo, the churches of San Pietro and Sant’Ilario in Selva Longa, both of which no longer exist.
The simple façade in Pisan Romanesque style is built of verrucano blocks, with additions of slate and marble. The single-light windows, visible on the walls of the first bay of the nave, show the extension of an original single-nave building from one to the current three naves. The square bell tower with clock is in limestone up to the second order and in brick in the later ones. The interior houses the painting Christ on the Cross between St. Anthony, St. Andrew, St. John and St. Roch from the mid 16th century.
Info: Church of San Lorenzo a Pagnatico
Tel. 050 741435